Annak érdekében, hogy Önnek a legjobb élményt nyújtsuk "sütiket" használunk honlapunkon. Az oldal használatával Ön beleegyezik a "sütik" használatába.

Hungarian Mini Language Course for Advanced

#Nyelvi képzés   #Üzleti   #Nyitott  
Bővebb leírás
Course description: 

The aim of the course is to help participants understand the essentials of texts in various daily contexts such as work, shopping, services, free time etc. and to provide participants with a basic vocabulary allowing them to communicate in situations while travelling in a Hungarian-speaking environment. They can learn to write structured texts on topics they are familiar with, or they take interest in. The course will enable participants to communicate about their experiences, events and to express their opinion and future plans.

Course objectives: to help participants engage in and uphold appropriate oral and written communication in Hungarian in accordance with specific needs in the framework of professional and everyday life.

Target clients: Those interested in learning Hungarian

Teaching method: in person, online
Duration of the course: 15 lessons, planned starting date: not specified (to be agreed on with participants)
Number of participants: Min: 5, max: 12

Admission requirements: At least A2 (basic) level Hungarian language competence

Course fee: 60.000 HUF

Person responsible for the training: Fekete Józsefné, e-mail adress:

Course starting date: any date upon request. Ongoing and subject to agreement with participants